Dumpster: Recover Deleted Photos
Dumpster: Recover Deleted Photos

Dumpster: Recover Deleted Photos

By Baloota
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0 Reviews
April 18, 2024
Last update
50 mi+

Dumpster App

Dumpster is the leading free recycle bin for Android, ideal for users who tend to accidentally delete files and images from their devices. After downloading the recovery app, users can easily undelete data and restore it to the device.

Undo delete your photos

We've all been there. The moment you realize you've deleted something important from your device and there's no way to go back. But now it does! Dumpster is a free recovery app for Android that saves all your deleted files, images and videos so you can restore them later.

Recover lost files instantly

Recovery is simple and instantaneous! Just go into your Dumpster recycle bin, click on the files or images you want to undelete and that's it – they'll immediately appear back on your device. Dumpster stores images, videos, files from previous app versions, deleted documents, and more. No matter what deletion you need to undo, Dumpster can instantly recover and restore it for you.

Free up storage space on your device

Dumpster offers users a premium cloud-based version, freeing up valuable device storage space. Users can back up deleted images, files and videos to Dumpster's cloud, then undelete them and recover them easily. Dumpster's premium cloud storage provides mobile device users with reliable backup at a small cost and without having to use up their device's storage space. It also provides users with an ad-free experience with screen lock features.

Key Features:

✔ Easily save deleted items to your device

✔ Instantly recover important files, photos, images and videos

✔ Restore accidentally deleted photos

✔ It's free

✔ Automatic cleaning option available

Dumpster: Recover Deleted PhotosWhen you click, an ad will appear to download the application.

✔ Premium cloud storage option

✔ Screen lock option to protect photos

✔ Support 14 languages

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