Hello Heart
Hello Heart

Hello Heart

By Hello Heart
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1.6 thousand Reviews
April 18, 2024
Last update
100 thousand+

Provided by participating employers and health plans, Hello Heart is a FREE, easy-to-use app that lets you improve your blood pressure and cholesterol with simple tracking, personalized insights, and daily tips and reminders.

Check to see if your organization offers Hello Heart at https://join.helloheart.com

More than 50% of people with high blood pressure lower their blood pressure 2 weeks after joining Hello Heart.

How it works

Track your heart health

• Blood pressure
• Pulse and possible irregular heartbeat
• Laboratory results (e.g. cholesterol)
• Activity
• Medicines
• Weight

Our FDA-cleared monitor connects to your phone via Bluetooth so you can monitor and view your blood pressure and heart rate readings right in the Hello Heart app. Easily import your cholesterol test results from your clinic and sync your Apple Health data too.

Understand your numbers
Find out what high, low or normal blood pressure could mean for your health.

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Manage heart disease risks
Regularly monitoring your blood pressure and cholesterol can help reduce your risk of developing chronic illnesses, such as heart disease or even a heart attack.

Get personalized health tips
Heart health doesn't have to be difficult. We think small lifestyle changes are the way forward. And we'll show you how to do it with a heart-healthy tip every time you log in.

Protect your data
We are committed to complying with HIPAA and adopting strict security standards to protect your data.

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